MemberLearn Online Courses

How to Close a Meeting

Primary audience

Elected officials

Course time

15 minutes Two large, wooden city council chamber doors are 关闭d.

This mini-course will describe the circumstances under which you can 关闭 a meeting. It will also walk you through the procedures for doing so.

By the end of this mini-course, you will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the circumstances when a meeting may or must be 关闭d.
  • Summarize the general requirements for closing a meeting.
  • Describe the penalties for violating the Open Meeting Law.

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Subject Matter Expert

Amber Eisenschenk, Research Manager – League of Minnesota Cities


Interactives, video and knowledge check — learn more about MemberLearn.


This free course is only available to League of Minnesota Cities members and is included as part of your city’s LMC membership.


After you initially access this MemberLearn course you’re able to access it again at any time and it will not expire — so you can learn at your own pace and review the material as much as you’d like.